Mesothelioma Lawsuit
Every year thousands of Americans are diagnosed with Mesothelioma which is a fatal form of cancer caused by inhaling asbestos fibers.
Contact our Mass Tort and Class Action attorneys today.
Contact our Mass Tort and Class Action attorneys today.
Exposure to asbestos is the most well-known trigger for mesothelioma, a cancerous disease that affects the lining of the lungs, stomach or heart. Every year hundreds, if not thousands, of people die from mesothelioma caused by asbestos, asbestos lung cancer, and other asbestos-related diseases.
The majority of people afflicted by asbestos-related diseases have primarily been through occupational exposure in the construction industry. Asbestos is not only prevalent within the building industry, but it is also affecting many workers within the healthcare, shipping and pharmaceuticals industries.
If you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos and was diagnosed with one of the following diseases you may be able to obtain compensati0n for your medical expenses and other costs by joining this asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit investigation:
Although asbestos lung cancer is rare, a study published in the British Journal of Cancer concluded that asbestos killed twice as many people through lung cancer than through mesothelioma.
Most people have heard about mesothelioma lawsuits, mesothelioma settlements and mesothelioma class action lawsuits while watching television, listening to the radio, or surfing the internet, but few understand how prevalent asbestos usage was prior to 1990 and that thousands of people are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year. In fact, in the U.S. some products still contain trace amounts of asbestos. Even though asbestos has been largely phased out of building materials it’s still possible to be exposed to the deadly mineral and be diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illness.
Asbestos lawsuits and asbestos class action lawsuits are litigated around the country as families of mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer victims fight to claim their portion of mesothelioma compensation funds.
There are still millions of dollars available in asbestos disease funds. A recent lawsuit resulted in a $70 million settlement for a lab technician of a biopharmaceutical company who was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer. It’s important to note that family members of workers exposed to asbestos may also be diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos lung cancer, even though they never handled or worked with asbestos.
Second-hand exposure of asbestos can be just as dangerous as immediate exposure, with continuous longterm second-hand exposure potentially leading to the same fatal illnesses as having primary contact. Most cases of lung cancer in asbestos workers occur at least 15 years after the initial exposure.
These family members are also participating in mesothelioma class action lawsuits, filing individual asbestos lawsuits, and being awarded portions of asbestos compensation funds.
It’s estimated that 100,000 people have died, or will die, from mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure in shipyards. The 100,000 deaths expected from mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases does not include construction workers, asbestos miners, or the millions of people exposed to asbestos in their homes or workplace.
Thousands of mesothelioma lawsuits have been filed by those who work in buildings built as late as the year 2000 which have asbestos in the walls, paint, and other areas office workers frequent.
Exposure to asbestos has been shown to cause lung cancer, including cancer in the lining of the lungs, chest cavity, and abdomen. Mesothelioma and lung cancer are similar in that they can take decades to develop but only months to spread to other organs.
In general, it can take between 15 and 35 years after asbestos exposure for a person to be diagnosed with lung cancer. Asbestos workers who also smoke are at an even greater risk of lung cancer. Research shows that the risk for asbestos lung cancer increases by as much as 4 per cent with each year of asbestos exposure, and that the concentration of asbestos fibers plays a role in the risk of developing lung cancer.
It’s important that those impacted by asbestos-related diseases speak with a mesothelioma compensation attorney to determine if they have a claim.
Thousands of people are dying every year of asbestos-related diseases. The families of asbestos victims may be impacted by mesothelioma class action lawsuits being litigated in federal court.
It’s critical that anyone who was exposed to asbestos and was diagnosed with an asbestos symptom like mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related diseases speak with a mesothelioma settlement specialist now.
If you or a loved one has experienced complications from any type of asbestos product including severe mesothelioma, contact the office of Chhabra Gibbs & Herrington PLLC for a free consultation.
Contacting the firm is free. We understand that the disputes facing you and your family can seem daunting.